Workshops i Danmark
Tegneserieworkshop i Hamletsgade, København 5. marts 2024
I samarbejde med Laila Hammouti og Nørrebrobyggerne holdt Salaam Film & Dialog en tegneserieworkshop i Hamletsgade på Nørrebro i København. Sanna Hukkanen underviste og Mia Fryland, som skal undervise på de resterende workshops i Danmark, var med for at se, hvordan Sanna Hukkanen holder workshops med deltagere, som ikke er vant til at tegne.
Der var tre ældre og otte børn fra bebyggelsen og de fik nogle fine timer sammen. Først så vi animationsfilmen ’Nightshift’ som inspiration til deltagerne. Derefter gav Sanne en indføring i, hvordan men med enkle metoder kan arbejde med at lave en kort tegneserie på fire billeder.
Derefter gik alle i gang med at tegne og efter nogle timers intenst arbejde, kom de deltagende børns forældre for at se resultatet.
Workshops i Sverige
Cartoon workshop at Grynbodgatan 20 in Malmö on March 6, 2024.
FilmCentrum Syd held a cartoon workshop in Studiefrämjandet Vuxsenskolans premises at Grynbodgatan 20 in Malmö. Sanna Hukkanen taught and Anna Lönn Franko, who will teach the remaining workshops in Sweden, was there to see how Sanna Hukkanen conducted the workshop with pariticipants who are not used to drawing.
There were a total of 12 participants, of which 6 young people between the ages of 18-25, who are also part of the city of Malmö´s investment in mentoring for you people who are struggling to get into the culturefield. The remaining participants were 6 people from our network aged 60-85.
The workshop began with Sanna describing how, using simple methods, you can work on making a short cartoon series of four images. We also looked at some series that were made by previous group and thus had the opportunity to analyze visual storytelling.
After that we went for a short walk in our nearby park Kungsparken, to get inspiration and open uour minds to ideas. Then everyone started drawing, and after a few hours of work, we finished with a presentation of all the results.
Workshops i Finland
Workshop in Lieksa
Explore the gap project organised a comics workshop in Lieksa, North Karelia in Finland on February 1st 2024. The workshop was organised together with Norpas Festival and the Eastern Documentary Club. It took place in ”Kulma”, a culture center that is run by a multicultural organisation Metka. There were about 20 participants mainly from Ukraine, Finland and Somalia. Different ages were nicely represented.
The workshop started with a short film ”Fabula rasa” by Pieter-Jan Van Damme, contemplating his transition from a documentary maker to a self-sustainable farmer. After a short talk there was an exercise on imagining the future, led by researcher Inkeri Aula from Aalto university in Helsinki. This prepared the participants to plan topics for their comics. The stories in their comics dealt with their background as refugees, integrating to the community in Lieksa, and how they saw their future there. Environmental issues were strongly present in the visions of the future.
Aula has been co-tutoring the workshops and collecting material for her research on creativity and healthy aging.
Workshops i Estland
NGO FUFF organized a combined camp for elderly / adults and children - but mostly focused on youth in Vatsa village, Estonia between 25-30 th of June 2023. We had 25 youngsters who made animations and comics. 14 adults and elders were guiding the camp with their knowledge and knowhow.
We have made 15 min of animation and several comics. The comics teacher was Sanna Hukkanen.
Explore the Gap has received support from:
Salaam Film & Dialog
Vermundsgade 38E, 2.sal
2100 København Ø
CVR: 28164297
Tlf: 32 118 188 / 32 118 288
Or you can find contact information for all partners if you go to their part of the website.